How does a company realize its own authentic story?  How can it professionally and most effectively tell and stage stories in order to successfully position itself within the marketplace? Is it possible to substantiate the enormous effect of exciting corporate stories through scientific facts in order to make informed decisions? These core questions are answered in a three-day workshop, entitled: Transformation Stories – Storytelling for Brands and Companies” taking place at the Career College of the University of the Arts from August 30th to September 1st, 2013. Both speakers are Instructors at the finest universities in the world; Berlin University of the Arts and Stanford University.

Almost all companies in all sectors find themselves in the hard fight for market share. Because products are at parity, the competition among products has shifted to a competition about communication:  The one who communicates the best wins the fight for attention. Storytelling offers creative promise and potential for effective communication. The reason: Storytelling is a highly intuitive form of communication, as is shown by numerous scientific studies.

Companies and agencies are currently discovering the enormous potential of stories. How is it that a company can optimally employ storytelling for itself and its brands? How can a company create strong bonds using stories? How can a company use stories to optimally convey its message? How can it convince through stories? How can entrepreneurs utilize the power of stories? The workshop, delivered in English, answers these questions during presentations, interactive discussions, small group work, quick prototypes, and successful case studies.

The workshop will be held over the weekend and is intended for decision makers at small, medium and large companies who are responsible for brand management and communication, as well as for colleagues from advertising and PR agencies. The workshop closes with the presentation certificates of participation from the Berlin University of the Arts.

Instructors from internationally recognized universities

Both instructors are among the top experts in the field: Prof. Dr. Barbara A. Karanian is on the faculty of the Mechanical Engineering Design group at Stanford University in Silicon Valley. Prof Dr. Dieter Georg Herbst was Professor of the Year in 2011 and teaches at the Berlin University of the Arts as well as at other renowned universities worldwide. Both work with changing organizations.  They help organizations generate an environment of innovation with a focus on the conceptualization, organization and implementation of storytelling.

For registration or further information please contact: University of the Arts Berlin, Career College