When experts are asked what characterizes global management, they cite its enormous complexity, its high risk and its higher reconnaissance requirements (e.g. Czinkota, 2000; Ghauri & Cateora, 2014; Hollensen, 2014). National management is also labor intensive, full of risk and complex, however. Characteristics of global management What then characterizes global management that national management lacks? Answer: global management must manage feedback (Herbst, 2014a). What does that mean for the global relationship management? Every country could basically shape its own discrete relationship management as called for in thehttp://www.source1.de/?p=5254 particular country. But what happens when a country plans something that affects another country or the central strategy, or that could possibly affect it? In such an event, the relationship management should be marshaled; content, timing and format should be set up free of contradictions in order to leverage commonalities and avoid cross talk and unintended messaging. An example: in these internet times, users check worldwide where they can get the best price on a product; search engines and service provider that compare prices. If a company offers its products at different prices in different countries, it should be coordinated. Global relationship management is the management of feedback. Lavecchia (2008) concludes as a result of her study about Belgium’s Euro campaign as a model for global public relationship management and collaboration: „Organizations have expanded their reach to international markets, thus requiring the need to adapt to the different environments in which they are located. This adaptation requires a level of communication that is fitting to their host country.“ (2008: 60). Expert, global relationship management is tied to organizational pre-requisites: they affect the participating personnel, roles and responsibilities, processes, the applied information technology as well as the communication structure. Because the discussion among relevant groups in different countries directly affects corporate politics, global relationship management must be championed by corporate leadership, funded by a discreet budget and supported with clear directives.