Invitation as Special Guest Speaker

Once again I was Special Guest Speaker in this year’s Open Innovations Forum in Moscow (Technopolis) from October 14-16. Very happy to participate in the Round Table „From profesional occupations to competenices: Human capital assets of the future.“

About the Round Table

The fledgling knowledge-based economy is determined by the dynamic forces that are impacting and influencing industries, across markets, including the new opportunities that advanced technologies enable. From ICT robotics in medicine, to the extraction, and transformation of raw materials for construction, the result of this emergence dictates the professional opportunities of the future. Who are these future industry experts, and what are the unique skill-sets that will provide the competitive advantage in their respective field? Participants in this round-tablediscussion will examine best practices, and lessons learned from different educational systems, that are meeting this challenge in response to the shift in demand.


Henry Etzkowitz, Ph.D, President of the Triple Helix Association (THA); Senior Researcher, H-STAR Institute, Stanford University; Visiting Professor at School of Management, Birkbeck College, London University and Edinburgh University Business School, UK


Dmitry Repin , Chief Executive Officer, Digital October Georgette Yakman, Founding Researcher & Owner, STEAM Education

About the conference

The global discussion platform—Open Innovations Forum—is dedicated to emerging technologies and furthering innovation prospects and collaboration worldwide.

Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation“ (Photo: Herbst)

Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation: „Welcome to the 2014 Open Innovations Forum! In its first three years, Open Innovations has established itself as a leading forum for representatives of the scientific and expert community, business and government to discuss global trends in economic development and share their experience working onground-breaking ideas and business ventures. The challenge for Russia today is to become an economy and a country driven by innovation. We are committed to taking new approaches in all spheres and working to modernise Russian industry and agriculture in order to attract private investment and promote greater international cooperation. Last year’s forum welcomed France and Finland as partner countries. This year, Open Innovations is being held in partnership with the People’s Republic of China, and I hope this meeting of our academic and business communities will serve to deepen cooperation between our countries. I am sure that this year’s forum will be marked by the same interesting discussions, networking opportunities and business success as years past. Welcome, friends.“

Weltweit einzigartiger Post-MBA

Weltweit einzigartiger Post-MBA „Digital Brand Management around the World“

Links: Photos and Videos Open Innovations Forum 2013 Preview Open Innovations Forum 2013 [shareaholic app=“share_buttons“ id=“12088110″]